North Island New Zealand Once again, the Members of Church of God International (MCGI) brethren in New Zealand enjoyed the last leg of the year 2018 as they held another Family Bonding and Outing at the Wenderholm Beach on December 25. This event was succeeded by the quarterly 3-day Special Thanksgiving Celebration of the church where brethren from different locales all over the North Island, namely Feilding, Rotorua, Hamilton, Auckland and Papakura gathered up to celebrate the two consecutive events. In the scriptures from Philippians 2:2 states, “Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind”. The MCGI Family exercised unity and camaraderie as everyone whole-heartedly took part in every phase of the gathering from planning to execution. The unlikely weather did not hinder the participants from enjoying the day with lots of food to share with, games to engage in, Karaoke singing, grounding on the fine sand and swimming in the beach. The programme started with a stretching exercise. When everyone was warmed up and ready, the Teatro Kristiano (TK) group performed a dance number which was enjoyed by all spectators. Afterwards, the game proper began where three groups competitively battled it out with fun and laughter. “Chase the Dragon’s Tail” and “Game of General” were among the entertainment favorites. The rain started to pour but it did not stop the family’s enjoyment as each had found more activities to do. What a delightful sight to see the children enjoying the big puddle as they splashed water and mingled with the birds! Not only the little ones enjoyed this spot, in fact, the adults carefreely dipped their feet in the pond and played frisbee cheerfully. Moreover, majority of the brethren took advantage of the opportunity to connect with nature as they ground with the fine sand of the shore and swam in the beach. Kuya Daniel Razon and Brother Eli Soriano recommend “grounding” or “earthing” as an antioxidant which removes toxins from our body. Finally, the day was wrapped up with big smiles and happy hearts. 1 Corinthians 1:10 it says, “I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment”. The MCGI family will continue to be grateful to God for He has given another opportunity for every brothers and sisters in faith to socialize and be united as one. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!! Written by: Sister Joanne Caselene Custorio & Sister Amy Chan-Caco
Auckland, New Zealand In celebration of The Old Path’s 38th Anniversary, the Members Church of God International (MCGI) in Papakura and Auckland unite as one to honour the said event. During the week-long celebration, members took their time to film a Video Greeting in tribute of the program’s founding. It was held at the Auckland War Memorial Museum where brethren gathered and merged as one. Charitable works such as Bloodletting and Catering to the Elderly were timely conducted with MCGI’s “The Old Path” 38th Anniversary. Members from Papakura and Auckland gave their blood to save lives to fulfill the Lord’s commandment. As the advocacy of the program ensues to “Continue to advocate Love, Hope and Faith”, brethren catered to the needs of the elderly as a way of showing love to our fellowmen. As the said event continued, members gathered once again at the Grey Lynn Library (a 94 years old landmark building), located at the heart of Auckland, to commemorate the programs’ Culmination Night on December 14, 2018. MCGI Chapters from all around the world were able to witness the Church’s Music Ministry opening number and the Dancing Ensemble of the Teatro Kristianos. As the event went on, the programs’ various charitable works from all around the world were shown live on Television. As the Bible states in Galatians 6:10, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”. By doing so, we are not only doing good to our fellow countrymen but also we’re carrying out the Lord’s will. To God be the Glory! Written by: Brother John Gabriel Alovera
Auckland, New Zealand On December 6, 2018 the Members Church of God International (MCGI) in Auckland New Zealand gathered to donate blood at a larger venue at QBE Stadium in Albany. This is the group’s first time donating in a public mobile blood collection centre instead of going to the usual donation centre of NZ Blood Service in Takapuna. This change of location is a result of the increasing number of volunteer donors from the church and the need for a bigger venue. A total of seventeen donors came to donate where all had given blood successfully. ![]() This event is timely in conjunction with MCGI’s “The Old Path” (TOP) 38th anniversary in advocating love, hope and faith. MCGI chapters all over the world have been engaging in public services that helps fellow citizens, the community and the environment. Such services include blood donations, aged care volunteering (elder care), clean up drives, tree planting and many more. In the holy scriptures virtues of love, hope and faith are being taught, “ And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love”, 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NKJV). This is why the MCGI brethren continue to donate blood to show love and instil hope and faith to fellow Kiwis. With seventeen successful donors, a total of 7,900 ml of blood was collected which could help save the lives of up to 50 people. Did you know that one bag of donated blood is separated into three components (red blood cells, platelets and plasma) and that the majority of this will help patients with haematology cancers and disorders. The red blood cell component helps with anaemia and improve the oxygenation and energy levels of blood cancer patients. The platelet component helps with clotting and prevents excessive bleeding while the plasma component is further broken down into products that will help people with immunodeficiency, clotting problems etc. In addition to this, blood transfusions are widely used in patients with trauma, people in labour and patients having surgery. The MCGI brethren in Auckland attended the public mobile blood collection service at QBE stadium wearing their “The Old Path” (TOP) anniversary t-shirts. The event was successful with God’s help. The donors left the venue feeling blessed and thankful in their hearts that they have been used as instruments in saving other people’s lives. Written by: Sister Afe Fernandez
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April 2021