The Members Church of God International (MCGI) in Auckland volunteered to donate blood at NZ Blood Service Takapuna on August 16 & 23, 2018. Twenty-two registered church blood donors attended the event resulting in twenty successful donations. MCGI’s quarterly blood donation drive is an international movement initiated by the church’s Presiding minister Brother Eliseo Soriano and Vice Presiding minister Brother Daniel Razon. Brethren all over the world participate in this mission to follow the bible’s teachings of doing good deeds to others as stated in Galatians 6:10; “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith”. Did you know that one blood donation can help save up to three lives? According to NZ blood, they filter the donated blood and separate it into red blood cells, platelets and plasma. These blood products are used to treat different types of patients like people who have haematological disorders, accident and burn patients, people undergoing surgery labour and many more. On the event, NZ blood’s donor recruiter Ms. Beth Brannen visited the members donating blood and expressed her gratitude for their continuous support. Written by: Sister Afe Fernandez
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April 2021