Brethren from the small country of New Zealand gathered at YMCA in Christchurch last 15th of July 2018 to celebrate the country’s Thanksgiving. They started small in numbers gathering in their homes for the weekly Thanksgiving. Since then, the brethren all over New Zealand have been increasing through the years. Now, there are seven locales in New Zealand located in Auckland, Papakura, Hamilton, Feilding, Wellington, Christchurch and Ashburton. ![]() Jeremias 30:19 “Out of them shall come songs of thanksgiving, and the voices of those who celebrate. I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will make them honored, and they shall not be small." Over the past years, Members of Church of God International in New Zealand have been active with a multitude of activities including social services such as Blood donation, Tree planting and Elderly care. They also have division and inter-local activities such as Couples’ Night, Sportsfest, Family Day, Team Building, Buffet Fund Raisers and Sabbath Day Celebration. Moreover, they are also active in propagation activities like flyer distributions, Bible Studies and Mass Indoctrination. I Peter 1:17 " Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear..." The brethren of New Zealand as humble servants, offered Thanksgiving to God on this day to express gratitude for all of His unfathomable blessings. To God be the glory! Written by: Brother Steven Suyat / Brother Paul Gatchalian
Welcome!Welcome to! The place to find all you need to know about the Members Church of God International New Zealand. ServantsBrother Daniel Razon Our BeliefsArchives
April 2021